Learn How to Grow Your Business in Line with Your Goals

As your business grows, your original plans and vision may get lost in the day-to-day operations. But there are many growth strategies you can use to create a successful business that aligns with your actual goals. Learn valuable insights from members of the online small business community below.

Grow Your Startup Without Losing Your Vision

Most business owners have a clear vision for their startup in the early stages. But it’s also easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations and lose sight of that original plan. Here’s a guide from Ivan Widjaya of SMB CEO, for growing your business without losing that vision.

Find Someone on Social Media Before Hiring

Hiring new team members can accelerate the process of growing your business. But it’s important to hire the right people. Social media can provide helpful insights about potential hires. Lisa Sicard of Small Biz Tipster shares tips for finding potential hires online in this post. After reading, head over to BizSugar to see what community members are saying.

Empower Your Business with Video Conference API

Video conferencing can be an effective way to connect with people all over the world and grow your business. The tools you use can make a huge impact on the success of these communications. Learn more about empowering your business with video conference API in this Decipher Zone post by Mahipal Nehra.

Consider What It Means to Be a Responsible Franchisor

Franchising can be a powerful way to grow a brand by quickly opening new locations throughout the country and even globally. However, companies that use this model have a responsibility to be transparent and uphold ethical business practices. This has been the topic of recent conversations across franchise organizations, which Joel Libava of The Franchise King discusses in more detail here.

Build Meaningful Connections for Business Growth

The people you connect with throughout your business journey can dramatically impact your chances of success. So how can you connect with other professionals in your industry and people who can help in your journey? Read this Noupe post by Luke Babich for insights.

Make the Most of These Sales Tools for Reps and Marketers

Want to make more sales for your business? It’s essential to equip your sales and marketing teams with the right tools. If you’re looking for options, check out this LeadGen post by Mushahid Hassan for a list.

Increase Engagement with Your Social Media Marketing

Your brand’s social media strategy is only effective if you can get followers to actually engage with your content. To learn more about increasing engagement, read this Mostly Blogging post by Janice Wald.

Optimize Your Content Like a Pro

Content marketing is a powerful strategy for promoting nearly any type of business. But it can be significantly more effective if you optimize your content like a pro. Brad Smith of Wordable elaborates on the concept in this post.

Use Customer Feedback in Product Development

If you want to create the best possible products for your target customers, it helps to get their feedback during the development phase. So how can you seamlessly integrate feedback into your new product development process? Learn how in this Small Biz Viewpoints post by Harry and Sally Vaishnav.

Address Underlying Issues with Digital Products

When developing digital products, some businesses attempt to “put lipstick on a pig.” But there are times when you need to actually address underlying issues that make products better for your customers. See more discussion on this topic in this Ishir post by Rishi Khanna.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: sbtips@gmail.com.

Image: Depositphotos

This article, "Learn How to Grow Your Business in Line with Your Goals" was first published on Small Business Trends

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