How to Craft Your Video Content Marketing Strategy

video content marketing strategy

Looking for an amazing video content marketing strategy? Video is becoming an increasingly popular way for brands to reach target customers. Videos can help demonstrate products, explain processes and show off your brand’s personality in a way that can’t be done through a simple blog post or string of tweets.

But using video effectively requires more than just uploading a few clips to YouTube. Here are some tips for how to craft a video content marketing strategy.

Create Your Video Content Marketing Strategy

Have a Purpose for Your Videos

The main thing that differentiates an actual video content strategy from a business that just posts some videos from time to time is purpose. Every video you create should contribute to a very specific goal. If you want to increase sales of a certain product, maybe you could create a video that demonstrates all of its different uses. If you want more people to contact you about consulting services, create videos that offer a sample of the great knowledge you have to offer.

Create Different Types of Videos for Different Types of Customers

There’s an endless amount of great ideas for business video content. But all of your videos don’t have to necessarily contribute to the same purpose. You could create some videos that are geared more toward your existing customers, while others are focused more on potential new customers.

Shelly Bowen, chief content strategist for Pybop explained in an email to Small Business Trends, “For example, if someone is just being introduced to a new brand or idea, the video might be short and inspirational. But if the purpose is to explain how to do something, it might be longer and more tactical.”

Video Content Marketing Strategy

Be Realistic About Your Constraints

It’s fun to imagine all of the incredible possibilities for your brand videos. But it’s also important to work within your limitations. Create a set budget for your videos so that you don’t end up spending more than the video may potentially be worth. It may also be beneficial to create specific timelines for things like shooting and editing, so that you don’t overlook other important tasks. Being realistic about those things can help you create and publish videos regularly, instead of just blowing your entire budget and time allotment on one video that may be forgotten in a month.

Create Videos for Specific Platforms

When it comes to actually posting your videos, there are plenty of different platforms you can use. YouTube is an obvious choice. But Facebook also has a native video option that can increase your reach. And Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and more social sites offer video options as well.

Some of these sites have different time constraints and types of users. So cater your video content specifically to each one that you use. And try to use the platforms that your target customers are most likely to use.

Video Content Marketing Strategy

Use Calls to Action

Including a call to action at the end of your videos can help you really focus on the goal you have for each video. And it can also help you better achieve those goals. For instance, if you’ve created a video demonstrating certain features of a new product, include information on where and how customers can purchase it at the end of your video.

Look for Inspiration

If you need some help coming up with a steady stream of ideas for video content, Bowen suggests looking at videos from similar brands on sites like YouTube and Vimeo. Taking a look at similar videos can inspire you and give you an idea of the length, structure and design elements that you might consider for your own videos.

But Never Copy

However, it’s important to note the difference between seeking inspiration and outright copying another video creator. Your videos shouldn’t use the same script or exact imagery as anyone else’s.

Bowen says, “It’s good to get structure, length, and design inspiration from others, but copying is the number one way to blend in.”

Video Content Marketing Strategy

Think About the Obstacles Customers Face

Great business videos are often those that help customers solve problems. So when coming up with ideas, think about the obstacles that customers might face when using your products or services. You can help them solve those issues with things like product demonstrations, tips or how-to videos.

Get Ideas from Your Team

It can also be beneficial to speak with your customer-facing team members to come up with common issues that your customers face.

Bowen says, “I recommend first researching what your core audience loves to know about and what obstacles they might be encountering that you can help fix. Talk to customer service, sales, and social media teams to learn about current conversations and trends. That should provide lots of ideas for great video content.”

Write an Outline or Script

In order to stick to the purpose and theme of each of your videos, you need to carefully plan them out beforehand. A script can help keep you on track and make sure you hit every relevant point you need to make. But depending on the type of video you have in mind, an outline may be sufficient to ensure that your video at least covers all of the main points.

Video Content Marketing Strategy

Include Personality in Every Video

One of the main benefits of creating video content is the ability to show off your personality to potential customers. If you want them to think of you as a fun brand, make sure you include some fun elements rather than just doing a dry product demonstration. If you’re a more serious brand, make sure your video looks professional.

Bowen says, “For each content strategy initiative, I always ask my clients to answer this question, “If you overheard your audience talking about your brand (and they don’t know you’re listening), what do you wish they would say?” This is a great question to consider when making a video too. “How do you want your audience to describe the video after watching it?””

Practice, Practice, Practice

Planning for your videos doesn’t just mean coming up with a purpose and script. You also need to make sure that your script translates into what you actually envisioned. And that means reading it out loud or doing some trial runs.

Bowen says, “If you’re using narration, be sure to read the script out loud while writing and editing (and time yourself). The written word is so different when spoken. Make sure that there’s ample room for breathing and pausing naturally, and that the message is still clear without seeing the line breaks and punctuation.”

Commit to an Ongoing Video Strategy

So you’ve successfully created a video with purpose and quality — great! But your work isn’t done. Creating a video content strategy is an ongoing process. So you should be constantly looking for new ideas and inspiration for video content that your audience will appreciate.

Every business is different, so there’s no set amount of videos that you should necessarily be posting per month or year. But find a basic schedule that works for your business and message.

Video Content Strategy
Define Clear Purpose for Videos Purpose is the foundation of an effective video content strategy. Each video should have a specific goal, whether it's showcasing products, explaining processes, or demonstrating expertise.
Tailor Videos for Different Audiences Create diverse video types to engage various customer segments. Consider both existing customers and potential new ones. Adapt the length and style to cater to different customer needs and intents.
Embrace Realistic Constraints Work within budget and time limitations. Set realistic timelines for shooting and editing to ensure regular video production without overextending resources.
Optimize for Different Platforms Different platforms require tailored content. Adapt videos to suit the nuances of various social media sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Incorporate Calls to Action End each video with a clear call to action aligned with the video's goal. Guide viewers on the next steps, whether it's making a purchase, visiting your website, or contacting your team.

Effectively harnessing the power of video content for marketing requires a strategic approach that aligns purpose, audience, and platform. By crafting purpose-driven videos tailored to different customer segments, staying within practical constraints, utilizing appropriate calls to action, and adapting content for various platforms, businesses can create a dynamic video content strategy that resonates with their target audience and advances their marketing objectives.

This ongoing process involves continuous inspiration, innovation, and a commitment to conveying brand personality and value through engaging visual storytelling.

Innovating and Evolving Your Video Strategy

In the dynamic realm of video marketing, innovation and adaptability are key. Brands must stay abreast of emerging trends and technologies, such as interactive videos or AR/VR elements, to keep their content fresh and engaging.

Creativity is the cornerstone of standout video content. This involves storytelling, unique visual effects, and compelling narratives that captivate audiences. Utilizing viewer feedback and data analytics is crucial for refining strategies. Analyzing engagement metrics and viewer behavior helps in tailoring content to audience preferences.

Collaboration also plays a vital role in innovation. Working with diverse talents, whether influencers, artists, or different departments within the company, can inject fresh perspectives and ideas into the content.

Lastly, continuous learning and adaptation are essential. Staying informed through industry workshops, webinars, and competitor analysis ensures that a brand’s video strategy evolves with the changing digital landscape. By focusing on these aspects, brands can maintain a dynamic and effective video presence.


In today’s digital marketing landscape, video content is essential for engaging and connecting with audiences. A successful video strategy requires more than just creating content; it demands aligning each video with specific marketing goals, catering to diverse customer needs, and adhering to practical constraints like budget and time.

Essential too is choosing the right platforms for maximum impact and including clear calls to action. Infusing videos with the brand’s unique personality and values is key to authenticity and resonance. Continuous innovation and avoiding plagiarism are crucial for keeping content fresh and original. Ultimately, a well-planned and executed video strategy enhances brand identity, deepens customer engagement, and elevates overall marketing effectiveness.

Video Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "How to Craft Your Video Content Marketing Strategy" was first published on Small Business Trends

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